Where Is Your Focus? Have You Forgotten The New Client?

Do you take time to think like a new client? To make an effort to forget what you know…what you want to achieve…and focus on what a client needs from you!

I was reminded of this during a new client consultation this morning.

Your business is only 100% important to you! That is why it is your business.

Many businesses take the unrealistic view that their clients are as exctied about their industry as they are…WRONG!

While you may love reading the trade magazine, newsletters and internet posts about your industry…

Clients are only interested in you to fill their needs.The easier you make their life the more loyal they will be to you. They will trust you to do your job so they can do theirs.

Are you demonstrating to your clients that their needs are your focus? Or are you focusing on your agenda, your marketing plan. Are you monitoring client feedback? Are you adjusting? Or have you set your plan and forgotten it? Are you so busy trying to hold pieces in place that you stopped adding new pieces?

When I create a social media plan for my clients I make it clear that it is starting point NOT a destination.I talk to them on a regular basis to:

  1. Keep them motivated
  2. Help them adjust the plan
  3. Keep them educated
  4. Give them the New Client Perspective.

What is the New Client Perspective? I play the blind spot. Often as we become experts in a field we forget what it was like to “not know”? We take certain knowledge for granted. Think about teaching your child to read…can you remember when you couldn’t? Because I am NOT an expert in all my clients fields, I can give honest perspective from an outsider.

My clients are not social media gurus, I don’t want them to be, I want them to be the Attorneys, Dentists, Business Specialists, Chiropractors, Butchers and everything else they were gifted to do.

My clients have the same daunting task of running their businesses as I do, it is my job to make this piece of it as simple as possible.

Time to Shake Up the Puzzle!

Kym Lamb

Social Media Community Manger

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